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A grooming guide to your dogs spring shedding

A grooming guide to your dogs spring shedding

Are you noticing a lot more dog hair clinging to your clothes or tufting around the corners of your rooms? Well don't worry as this is normal!

Spring is here! And hand in hand with the rising temperatures comes the shedding of those winter coats your dogs have needed over the winter. And an increased need to groom your dog. 

Living with a Labrador I know all too well about shedding! However is may surprise you to learn that short-haired dogs like Labradors (and pugs and many more) actually shed the most often and most continuously! And dogs with double coats, like a Siberian husky or Alaskan malamute usually shed once a year in the springtime with nature’s anticipation of the changing temperatures, which means that their fur will come out in huge chunks.




Here's our tips on maintaining your dog's coat and reducing the hair on your clothes and around your home:

1) Regular grooming:


This one really is an all year round tip, although is more important in Spring. If you brush your dog regularly (which can mean anything from twice a week to every day, depending on the kind of coat your dog has and how much they sheds) you’ll notice much less shedding, and will also see the added benefit of a shinier coat and less matting. Brushing spreads the natural oils throughout the coat, removes dead hair that can cause mats, and makes the coat silky.

There are different types of brushes available, each with special characteristics and attributes that may be more appropriate for one breed and coat-type over another. It’s up to you and perhaps some trial-and-error to find the best brush for your dog’s coat, but finding one (or a few) that you love will definitely making the grooming process more fun. If in doubt please do get in touch and we can help. 


Deshedding tools, furminators, detanglers and undercoat rakes can be found here along with all our Grooming products for your dog. 

2) Bath your dog!

You can really get a lot of dead hair out of the coat with a bath, but if you’re using harsh shampoos that contain soap, sulphates and petroleum-based parabens, you’ll run the risk of drying the coat and skin. Our shampoo bars are made with natural ingredients that mean this won't happen.

Shampooing approximately every 6-8 weeks is a good schedule for most dogs, especially if they are fox-poo rollers!  In addition, conditioning is critical in order to detangle and moisturize.




3) Consider a trip to a professional groomers.

Even if you typically groom your dogs yourselves, if your dog is shedding their winter coat, or for once or twice a year “touch-ups”, a trip to the groomers could be just what you need! The professional bathing which also includes a shampoo massage and conditioning followed by drying equipment loosens a lot of hair, which then gets left behind – on the grooming table – not on your furniture, on you or in the bathroom! 

To look after your dog and see which brush would be best see our whole range here 



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